TK-Tiimi – an expert in the plastic industry and injection-mold production
Through our technical know-how, strong expertise in materials, and innovative thinking, we have helped our customers succeed since 1983. Our customers include operators in various industrial sectors and sports equipment manufacturers.Our production facilities are located in Hollola, within excellent transport connections.
Environmentally friendly, high-quality services and products
The goal of our operations is to take our customers into account in all our operations and to supply flawless products and services that meet the requirements set by customers, laws and agreements. This is based on our personnel’s awareness of quality and the quality requirements set for our work.We develop our production and extend our range of materials by keeping abreast of the latest advances and innovations in our field. For example, our customers have the opportunity to select new, sustainable materials that promote the recycling and reuse of the product as a raw material. Sulapac is produced from environmentally friendly compounds that are safe for the environment and humans.